Reviewing Recent Research into the Relationship between Autophagy and Aging Recent Work on APOE in Alzheimer's Disease Alternate Day Fasting and Calorie Restriction Produce Similar Outcomes in Humans Reduced TGF-β and Increased Oxytocin Reverses Measures of Aging in Old Mice A Large Polypill Clinical Trial Shows a Third Reduction in Cardiovascular Events Lipid Accumulation in Microglia Contributes to Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration Estradiol Accelerates Liver Regeneration in Mice Clinical Trial of a Cross-Link Breaker to Treat Presbyopia in the Aging Eye The CellAge Database of Genes Associated with Cellular Senescence Clearing Dysfunctional Microglia Prevents Formation of Amyloid-β Plaques in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease Evidence for Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Smooth Muscle to be Important in Age-Related Vascular Stiffness Visceral Fat Tissue is Anti-Inflammatory in Lean Mice, Inflammatory in Fat Mice Methods of Inducing Cellular Damage are Rarely Relevant to Aging, and the Details Matter Talking Up the Potential of the Longevity Industry The Decline of Autophagy in Skin Aging
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16.09.2019 Intervene Immune Publishes Thymus Regrowth Trial Results Clonal Mutation in Immune Cells Correlates with Epigenetic Age Acceleration Lower LDL Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Over a Lifetime Correlate with Greatly Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Short Term versus Long Term Gains in Working Memory Following Exercise Embedded 3D Printing Used to Assemble Tiny Organoids into Larger Vascularized Tissue Masses Aspirin Use Fails to Postpone Disability and Improve Survival in Older Individuals Inhibition of mTORC1 as a Treatment to Slow the Consequences of Muscle Aging Long-Lived Dwarf Mice Exhibit an Improved Mitochondrial Stress Response Oral Bacteria Mediate Short Term Lowering of Blood Pressure Following Exercise Dsyfunctional Autophagy Promotes Cellular Senescence in Long-Lived Neurons Upregulation of Autophagy Reverses Age-Related Decline of Memory B Cell Function LEAF Interviews David Sinclair Repair of a Damaged Cornea Using Cells Derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Senolytic Treatment Reverses Age-Related Loss of Regenerative Capacity in the Liver Evidence for an Intestinal Origin of Parkinson's Disease